Amatuer Baseball Championship Results

Yesterday’s results:
In championship game of State Amateur Baseball Class A Sioux Falls Brewers beat Yankton 10-7.
In Class B State Amateur Baseball State Championship Alexandria beat Garretson 2-0.

The Winner Country Club hosted the Ron Waller Member Guest Tournament and here were the results:

Saturday Flights Champions:

Flight A: Ron Crow Eagle & Darrell Herman-66

Flight B: Riley Sargent & Mike O’Kief -80

Flight C: Rusty Arthur- Brady Arthur- 87

Sunday Flight Champions:

Flight A: Tanner Best- Mike Cahoy- 64

Flight B: Jeff Schramm- Mike Schramm- 69

Flight C: Clay Fenengo- Jeff Seefeldt- 73


There will be a volleyball scrimmage for the Chamberlain Lady Cubs on Thursday August 29th at the Chamberlain Armory. First serve will be at 5:30 PM They ask that you bring a can of non-perishable food item to the event.

143rd Annual Rosebud Sioux Tribe Men’s Fastpitch Tournament is coming August 22nd  through the 25th at the Tony Blacksmith Memorial Ballfield. $300 entry fee and payouts to the top four teams. Contact James at 605-828-1325 or Byron Andrews at 605-441-9845.

Today’s League Area Action:
There is no action today.