Application Now Open for 2022 Hunting Skills and Recurve National Teams

South Dakota State University (SDSU) Extension and South Dakota 4-H invite youth involved in 4-H Shooting Sports across the state to apply to be on the 2022 4-H Shooting Sports teams. These teams will represent South Dakota 4-H Shooting Sports at the 2022 4-H Shooting Sports National Championships in Grand Island, Nebraska June 26–July 1, 2022.

“We are looking for team members for the 4-H Recurve Archery team and the 4-H Hunting Skills team,” says John Keimig, SDSU Extension Youth Safety Field Specialist. “While a basic comfort level in shooting sports is essential, prior experience in these competitions would also be beneficial.”

2022 Hunting Team Application

The Hunting Skills contest is a skill-and-knowledge-based contest. Animal identification (wings, fur and habitat), orienteering and hunting knowledge (based on the National Rifle Association (NRA) hunting guide) is tested, as well as shooting ability. The 2022 hunting contest includes 3D (archery), sporting clays (shotgun) and paper animal targets (rifle). A basic comfort level with all three disciplines would be helpful, but is not required.

2022 Recurve Archery Team

The Recurve Archery team competes in three areas at Nationals. They will shoot a FITA round, a field archery round and will shoot a set of 3D archery targets at unknown distances. Past experience and proficiency with a recurve bow are helpful, as well as experience shooting the competition formats that are mentioned above.

Youth should include a reference letter from one of their shooting sports coaches with the application. The application can be found on the SDSU Extension listing for this event. (

Applications are due Sept. 9, 2021 to the State 4-H Office, Attn: John Keimig, Berg Agricultural Hall 128 Box 2207E, SDSU, Brookings, SD 57007. Selected team members will be notified by Nov. 1, 2021.

For more information contact Keimig at 605-688-5575 or