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Staff Bios

You have either heard us on the radio or spoke with us on the phone, now is your chance to see what we look like and read more about us.

We have several great people that work hard at KWYR to keep it up and running. From our office staff to our part time employees, everyone is valuable and needed.

Many people believe that working at a radio station is easy. Ask any of our employees, and they can tell you otherwise. From severe weather to breaking news, we have to be on top of our game, everyday.

Thanks for listening to KWYR Radio, we appreciate you.

Scott Schramm- General Manager  Becky Lynn- Magic 93 Midday Host John Driscoll- Sales Manager
Chris Doski- Sports Director Leslie Schramm- Account Manager Steve Goddard
Isaac Schramm-I.T Consultant Steve Nies- Station Engineer