Your Country 1260 Mailbag The Country 1260 Mailbag is a great way to sell or buy items. Everything for sale on the Mailbag is $300 or less. It’s a great way to advertise a yard sale or to sell off items that you don’t need. Drop off or send your Mailbag items to us, we will not take mailbag items over the phone. Make sure that the item is legible so that we can easily read it on the air. Our address is KWYR Mailbag, PO Box 491, Winner, SD 57580 and our email address is Thanks a lot for your participation in making the Mailbag possible. The Mailbag is read at 10:20am Monday through Friday. The Mailbag will be updated on on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Happy Shopping And Swapping!
For Sale/Wanted/Found
2/25 For Sale: 1. Indoor Pet heating pad $20.00, good for small or medium dog/cat. 2. Imitation brown dress length mink coat, never worn $50.00. Call 605-835-8003 8am to 7pm ask for Linda.
2/19 For Sale: Pair of 15 5-38 worn down tractor tires & tubes – no holes in them. All to go $100.00. In Burke, call 605-830-0668.
1/22 For Sale a selection of VCR movies and Samsung & IPhone Cases. Make an offer. Also looking to buy a good used Bedliner for a Dodge Dually 4-door Pickup. Call 402-336-6671.
1/4 For Sale: Culinary Edge air fryer: Like new condition with cookbook. $35.00. Brand new, never been used Nesco digital pressure cooker. $70.00. Take both for $100. Call 605-842-2294 or 605-840-0025.
Garage/Yard/Rummage Sales:
Notices/General Information
3/2 Pancake & sausage brunch and biscuits and gravy at Reliance Legion Hall on Sunday, March 9th from 9am to 1pm. Thrivent Financial will make a monetary contribution to the Post to help with expenses. Free will offering. Sponsored by American Legion Post #179 Kennebec & Reliance.
2/27 Your invited to the Colome American Legion on Saturday, March 8th for a Rocky Mountain Oysters “The Original Sack Luck” and Fish Fry from 5:30pm to 7pm with sides that including fried potatoes, coleslaw and baked beans. Free will offering will be taken! Pitch Tournament to follow at 7:30pm. Everyone is welcome!
2/27 All Township Officers are encouraged to attend a Tripp County Township Meeting on Monday, March 3rd at 6:30pm at the Courthouse Community Room. The agenda will include pickup packets for the Equalization Meetings. Terry Sletten with Association of Towns & Townships will do Township officer duties refresher & talk about RAI Funds of Townships.
2/27 The Tripp County 4-H is hiring a Summer assistant position. Applicants must have experience with 4-H. Must be 21 years of age and experience working with youth. The summer assistant will be asked to host educational workshops, complete clerical tasks and help with 4-H events. This position may be up to 560 hours between May 12th through August 15th. Must have a flexible schedule with some evening and weekend work required. For information or to apply call 842-2858 or email Closing date is March 10th.
2/26 Class of 1965 will be having a meeting on Mach 6th at El Tapatio Restaurant at 6pm to start planning our 60th Class reunion. All classmates attend if possible.
2/25 The Family of Sandy Jons-Whitley would like to invite everyone to join them in celebration of Sandy’s 90th Birthday this Saturday, March 1st at an Open House at the Winner American Legion from 2 to 4pm in Winner! They hope to see you there!
2/25 An Afternoon with Legacy Five at Prairie View Gospel Barn in Gregory on Sunday afternoon, March 9th. A Quartet with rich powerful harmony!! The concert starts at 3pm and the doors open at 2. This is the Gospel Barn’s first opportunity to host Legacy Five and it is going to be a great afternoon of powerful music. Legacy Five is one of the most sought after Southern Gospel groups on the road today. They are Celebrating 25 years on the road this year. Let your friends and family know and let’s fill the Barn! Call Geoff for tickets or more information 605-830-1545. Advance price is $30 and the day of the concert $35. Children 10 and under are free! There will be limited concession available at the concession stand.
2/25 Ideal Community Meeting will be held March 4th at 7pm at the Winner Community Hall.
2/24 Bingo – Saturday, March 1st at the Colome American Legion at 7pm. Serving Pulled Pork Sandwiches, Chips, & Bars starting at 6pm (St. Isidore Youth Programs Fundraiser). Cash Prizes! Bring an item for the Backpack program and receive a free bingo card. Suggested items: Easy Mac, Spaghetti O’s, Ravioli, fruit cups, breakfast/granola bars, cereal, jerky, Ramen noodles, pudding or Jello cups, jar of peanut butter, canned soup w/pop-top, individually packaged snack items (pretzels, Ritz, Goldfish, Graham crackers). Join us for a night of fellowship and fun! Sponsored by Colome Catholic Daughters.
2/24 Join in a hearty, traditional feast of Corned Beef & Cabbage! Trinity Lutheran Church located at 902 S. Main Street in Chamberlain will be holding the meal Sunday, March 16th from 5-7pm. Whether you’re celebrating St. Patrick’s Day or just in the mood for a delicious meal, you won’t want to miss out on this! Tickets are pre-sale only and are limited. For tickets call Kathi Anderson 605-682-0862, Nancy DeBoer 605-730-3210, Tammy Kercher 605-730-0222 or Amber Bunker 970-405-6424. Bring your friends and family for a cozy, flavorful evening! 2/20 The Winner Community Playhouse presents “Bed, Breakfast and Broadway” by Arlen Daieske & Dennis Reece! Performances are this Friday & Saturday, Feb 28th & March 1st and again Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 6th, 7th & 8th. Doors open at 7pm and Curtain time at 7:30pm. Advance Tickets are $10 or $12 at the door. For reservation call 605-842-1958 or email Produced with permission by Eldridge Publishing Co.
2/20 The Rosebud Arrow Rod and Gun Club is sponsoring a Basic Pistol and SD Enhance Carry Course on Saturday, March 8th 9AM to 5PM. Class Fee is $150 for first time applications and $75 for Enhance Carry 5 Year Renewals. Pre-Registration is Required. Please call or test John at 840-9478 for questions or to request on registration form by email.
2/17 There will be a Gregory County Cracker Barrel with District 21 Legislators on March 1 at 1pm in the Community Room at the Gregory Auditorium. District 21 Legislators Representative Jim Halverson and Marty Overweg, and Senator Mykala Voita, will provide updates and insights to the 2025 Legislative Session. For questions on the Gregory County Cracker Barrel, please contact Richard Rubel.
2/14 There will be a Cracker Barrel in Winner on Saturday, March 1st at 10am CST at the Community Connection Building (enter through the front door, meeting in their community room). The public is encourage to attend.
2/14 St. Joseph’s Spring Dinner at Mary Vale Hall in Gregory. Sunday, March 9th from 11am to 1pm. Menu – Roast Beef, Mashed potatoes and gravy, vegetable, buns, salads, pies, beverages. Ages 13 and up: $15.00. Ages 6 to 12: $5.00. Ages 5 & under Free. 2/5 Looking for vendors for an Easter Fair to be held on Saturday, April 12, 2025 at the Holiday Inn Express in Winner. Limited spots available. Text Sue at 605-840-9190 for more details.
7/16 CCI in Winner is looking for Volunteers to share their talent or passionate about something? They are open to tours, crafts, music, volunteering opportunities and more. Contact Emily at CCI in Winner today at 605-842-1708 to get on their calendar!
11/22 Non-clinical support group for current or past survivors impacted by abuse or violence provided by Winner Resource Center for Families. Individuals can register by calling the Winner Resource Center office at 605-842-2736 or Groups will be held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at the Tripp County Library from Noon to 1 or on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays from 5:30 to 6:30pm at the Gregory Library in Gregory. We need at least 2 to 3 people to register to start holding groups.
9/19 Winner VFW Auxiliary sponsored pitch party, every third Monday of the month at 2pm in the Library basement.
8/6 We are having BINGO at the Senior Center both Tuesday and Wednesday from now on. The only reason it would be canceled is for weather and when the Senior Center is closed for a holiday. We are asking $2.00 per day.
6/16 Anyone that receives mail delivery from the Winner Post Office which includes Carter and Witten needs to make sure they have a number on their mailbox that is visible to the carriers. We will have some new carriers starting with us in the next couple of weeks, they do not know the houses like your regular carriers do.