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We Are Your Hometown Leader For Sports!

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We Love Sports Just As Much As You Do…

Here at KWYR, we pride ourselves in keeping you up to date with the latest in local sports coverage. We work hard to make sure that we have the scores, results, and summaries of the games that you want to know more about.

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If you ever have a sports announcement, a cancellation, a postponement, scores, results, or any other piece of information that you believe other sports fans should know about, contact us.

Sports Department
KWYR Radio
PO Box 491
Winner, SD 57580

Fax: (605) 842-3875

Phone: (605) 842-3333

Or E-Mail The Sports Department By Clicking Here

Thank you for helping us cover baseball, football, basketball, wrestling, track, volleyball, golf, softball, hockey, rodeo results, and all other types of sports.

During the school sports season, listen to us as we bring you live play-by-play of your favorite teams on both our stations. Be sure to check out the Sports Schedule to find out when your team plays.

Remember that we are the South Dakota flagship station for Nebraska Cornhusker Football. Hear every game during the Huskers season on Country 1260.

We Are Your Hometown Leader For Sports.