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- Sidewalk Chalk Art Contest in Winner on this Friday July 10, 2022There will be a sidewalk Art Chalk Contest this Friday, July 15 right in front of the Winner Chamber office in Winner from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The three age divisions are 8 and under, 9 to 15, and 16 and older. Winner will be announced at 4:00 p.m. for each first place winner ...
- Winner Blood Drive to be Held Wednesday, July 20th July 9, 2022Winner Regional Health is sponsoring a blood drive in partnership with LifeServe Blood Center. Summer months are often referred to as trauma months, so the need for donors is greatly needed. The blood drive is at the Winner City Hall on Wednesday, July 20th, from 10:15 AM to 3:30 PM and on Thursday, July 21st ...
- Saturday’s Schedule July 9, 202212U State A Baseball in Humboldt 9am- West Central Hammers vs Lennox 9am- West Central Haulers vs Canton 11am- Tea Area vs Dell Rapids 12U State B Baseball in Parker 8:30am- Winner vs Canova 10:30am- Parker vs Baltic 12:30- Baltic vs Canistota 1:30- Ethan vs Platte/Geddes Legion Baseball Dell Rapids at Redfield Brandon Valley vs Minneapolis Southwest at 2pm in Mankato Brandon Valley vs Bennington, NE at ...
- Friday’s Schedule July 8, 202212U State A Baseball in Humboldt 9am- West Central Haulers vs Redfield 9am- West Central Hammers vs Elk Point Jefferson 11am- Canton vs Bruce 11am- Tea Area vs Lake County 1:30- Dell Rapids vs Vermillion 1:30- West Central Haulers vs Bruce 1:30 Lennox vs Flandreau 3:30- Vermillion vs Tea Area 3:30- Flandreau vs West Central Hammers 5:30- Lennox vs Elk Point Jefferson 5:30- Canton vs Redfield 7:30- ...
- Elk’s Club in Winner to Remain Closed Longer July 8, 2022The Elk’s Club in Winner is reminding customers that they are going to be closer longer than originally anticipated as they’re currently working on several improvements to the restaurant. They hope to be back open this Sunday.
- Schedule for Thursday July 7, 2022Amateur Baseball Winner/Colome at Corsica Colome at Kimball White Lake Wessington Springs at South Central Flandreau at Dell Rapids Mudcats Madison at Dell Rapids PBR Colman at Lennox Jr Legion Baseball Chamberlain at Winner/Colome Legion Baseball Dell Rapids at Flandreau Garretson at Tri Valley Jr Teener Baseball Brandon Valley at Mid Summer Classic at Harmodon Park in Sioux Falls, Day 1 of 4 Teener Baseball Tyndall at Platte Tea Gold at ...
- Burke Area Farmer’s Market Thursday July 6, 2022The first Burke Area Farmers Market of the season will take place tomorrow (Thursday, July 7th) from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00p p.m. at the Burke City Park. Chubby’s Food Truck will be their selling tacos, burritos, and quesadillas.
- Wednesday’s Schedule July 6, 2022Jr Teener and Teener Baseball Ft. Pierre at Chamberlain Platte at Kimball White Lake Jr Legion Baseball Brandon Valley at Harrisburg Gold Legion Baseball Gregory County at Valentine Dell Rapids at Vermillion Teener Baseball Gregory at Valentine Jr Teener Baseball West Central Royal at Dell Rapids Red Tea at West Central Gold Harrisburg Maroon at Watertown Little League Baseball Day 2 of Minors Playoffs in Gregory 6pm- Valentine vs Lyman 6pm- Burke ...
- Buche Ace Hardware Opening This Month July 5, 2022The GF Buche Company announced last week that the new Buche Winner Ace Hardware will be coming to Winner around the middle of this month at the former Shopko building this month. This Ace super store will carry groceries, hardware, and other house hold goods.
- Tuesday’s Schedule July 5, 2022Legion Baseball Platte at Winner/Colome Dell Rapids at SF Christian Brandon Valley at Brookings Renner at Harrisburg Colton at West Central Junior Teener Baseball Madison Black at West Central Royal Hamlin at West Central Gold Dell Rapids at Tea Harrisburg Gold at Brandon Valley 13U Brandon Valley 14U at SF West Red Teener Baseball SF Post 15 West at Brandon Valley Jr Legion Baseball Harrisburg Maroon at Brookings Amateur Baseball Humboldt/Hartford Gamecocks ...