Scores from Sunday

State B Amateur Baseball Championship in Mitchell

Dell Rapids PBR 3, Platte 1


State A Amateur Baseball Championship in Mitchell

Renner Monarchs 11, Sioux Falls Brewers 7



the team of Justin Zeigler and Erin Earley won the Member Guest Tournament at the Winner Country Club as they shot a 128. Ryan Radant and Nick Larsen were the derby champions.

At the Medicine Creek Golf Course in Presho on Saturday, the team of Kathy Diehm and Easton Robbins won the glow ball tournament. Sunday, the Ryder Cup was held. Presho beat Philip, 46-26. Presho beat Murdo, 56-16. Philip beat Murdo, 47-25. Presho was able to retain both cups.

At the 1 person, big cup tournament Sunday in Bassett, Brady Foster won the men’s championship flight. Kasey Foster won the women’s championship flight.


The Gregory Golf Course held their pitch championship on Saturday night. Rick and Sandy Teigen were the winners, as they defeated Jason Grim and Aaron Krueger in the finals. The event featured 22 teams.



Rangers over the Twins in 10 innings, 6-5.