Category Archives: News

Primary Elections take place on Tuesday

Local Primary elections will take place on Tuesday in our listening area. Polls will be open from 7am to 7pm.

In the Legislative Races on the Republican ballot for District 21 State Senator are Incumbent Erin Tobin and Mykala Voita. Running for the 2 spots available for State Representative on the Republican ballot are Lee Qualm, Marty Overweg and Jim Halverson.

On the Republican ballot in Charles Mix County for County Commissioner is David M. Spier, Kory Standy and Heath Knudson. Voters may vote for 1.

In Gregory County on the Republican ballot for Precinct 2 Committeewoman are Erika Van Nieuwenhuyse and Juli Ann Peppel. Gregory County will also vote on Initiated Measure 1 – an initiated measure requiring an ordinance that eliminates the use of automated tabulating machines in Gregory County.

On the Republican ballot in Jones County for Commissioner at Large are Rodney Mann and Steven W. Iwan.

On the Republican ballot in Mellette County For County Commissioner in District 3 are Dan Valburg and Vernon Brown.

On the Republican ballot in Tripp County for County Commissioner in District 4 are Jeremy D. Clay and Joyce Kartak. Running for Precinct Committeewoman in Lake Consolidated are Margie Wiley and Brenda Hofeldt. Tripp County will also vote on an Initiated Measure defining the use of automatic tabulators within Tripp County. A vote yes would prohibit the use of automatic tabulating machines or systems to count or tabulate ballots for any election in Tripp County.

Some local races will be held in the Cities of Chamberlain, Kimball and Todd County. In Chamberlain there is an election for City Commissioner for a 3 year term. 2 spots are available. On the ballot are Dan Hyland, Ronnie Brown and Ron Madison. Kimball will have a School Board member election for a 3 year term. 3 spots are available. On the ballot are Hillary Leiferman, Joshua Krier, Justin Blasius and James Hoing. Todd County will also have an election for School Board Members for a 2 year term. 2 seats are available. On the Ballot are Linda Bordeaux, Michelle Allen and Amanda Riley.

We will be updating you with results from the Election on Tuesday night.

Health Fair to happen Friday at Winner Regional

Winner Regional Health invites everyone to join them for their annual Health Fair on Friday, June 7th. There will be a free breakfast from 6:30 to 9:30am. Informative booths will be setup from 7:30 to 11am. There will be reduced cost screenings, along with a silent auction and more. Go to for all the details.

Benefit to be held for Pam Fritz on June 22nd

There will be a benefit for Pam Fritz on Saturday, June 22nd at the Black Lab in Winner. Pam’s brother with the Darren Beyer Band will be playing that night from 8 to midnight. A free will offering will be taken, and there will be a silent auction. A poker run will take place during the day as well. If you would like to donate an item for the auction, contact Mardi Pederson at 840-0084.

Winner Regional to host Health Fair June 7th

Winner Regional Health invites everyone to join them for their annual Health Fair on Friday, June 7th. There will be a free breakfast from 6:30 to 9:30am. Informative booths will be setup from 7:30 to 11am. There will be reduced cost screenings, along with a silent auction and more. Go to for all the details.

Frontier Days coming up in White River

The 113th annual White River Frontier Days will take place July 12th through the 14th at the Frontier Rodeo Arena. Friday, the rodeo will start at 7pm. Saturday, the parade will start at 11am, with the rodeo getting underway at 7pm. Sunday, slack will start at 10am. Mutton Bustin, Ranch Broncs and a candy scramble will be taking place as well.