Central South Dakota and North Central Nebraska saw a good amount of severe weather last night. Here are some rain reports that we had called in or posted online: Donna Howland, two miles southeast of Winner, received 80/100’s. Kelly Pravecek said at the Pravecek Brothers Farm they received an inch and a half, six miles southeast of Winner. Joe Bolton reported an inch 20. Tresh Swedlund had an inch and a quarter fall north of Witten. Janice Gruhn said she received an inch 10 in Gregory. Lou Zimbelman told us an inch 25 fell a mile north of Gregory. Pete Haukaas in Okreek had three quarters of an inch. Alona Burtz, Northwest of Tripp County, received an inch 60. Juli Brown, west of Colome, had 80/100’s. Cheryl Littau, who lives southeast of Carter, received .72. Richard Kingsbury, 13 miles northeast of Wood, received an inch, 10. LaWaynie Hossle received an inch, 5. Greg Assman had 90/100’s 5 miles west of Winner. Jo Carlson, east of the Winner Airport, received .90. Lureen Gran had .45 fall at the Gran Ranch in Okreek. Charlotte Piper received .30, nine miles south of Wood. 71/100’s was called in by Cheryl Schroeder in Winner. Dennis at Carlock received .69. Stan Bicek had an inch of rain fall 10 miles south of Colome. The Roger Evans residence in Hamill received an inch 53. Kara Gregg said she received .75. Rick Odenbach had two inches of rain, 6 miles west of Hamill. Fred Weidner at Dog Ear Lake reported .81. Laura Reuer in Herrick received an inch. Deb Bice said she had an inch 80 fall. Short Haley had an inch fall in Colome and he had .80 at Haley’s Hiway Lumber. Tracy Tritle, inch 70, ten miles east of Winner. Delbert Klein, east of Burke, had .85. Tanner Best received an inch and a half, northwest of Ideal. John Harter, an inch of rain fifteen miles southwest of Winner. Betty Dvorak received an inch and a half 10 miles east of Winner. 2 miles southeast of Presho, Diane Studt had .65. Cheryl Dougherty said she had .90 fall. Boyt Young had an inch and a quarter, 15 miles east/northeast of Winner. Justin Vanneman, northwest of Winner, reported an inch 20. Rhonda Waterbury, just east of Gregory, said she had an inch 30. Sheri Dimond, 7 miles north of Wood, reported 2 and a half inches. Monte Mayes of Ideal had an inch fall overnight. Linda Dimond, northeast of Wood, reported .94. Arianne Boerner said she received an inch 20. Bryan Jorgensen received an inch 35 in Ideal. Liz Farley had an inch and a half while Chris Novotny reported an inch ten. Trent Kubik, east of Hamill, reported an inch 25. Roger Joseph received an inch. Deb Musilek reported an inch 20, northeast of Wewela. Lori DeMers, 10 miles south of Colome, received an inch ten. Darrel Titus, west/northwest of Springview, had an inch 20.