Certain parts of Central South Dakota saw a good amount of rain last night. Bob Dickman, received 2.20 inches, seven and a half miles south of Gregory. Chuck Keiser at Jordan Hill reported an inch 90. Charlotte Piper, nine mile south of Wood, reported .65. Liz Farley, LaWaynie Hossle, Greg Haukaas, Rick Odenbach, Dione Rowe and Tresh Swedlund said they did not get any rain. Sharon Eddie, west side of Winner, said she had .42 fall. Jane Tuttle in Burke reported a quarter of an inch. Greg Assman, five miles west of Winner, said 3 and a half inches of rain fell overnight. Pete Haukaas in Okreek reported .25. Donna Howland, southeast of Winner, reported .25 as well. Ray Hannett, east of the Winner Airport reported .94. Short Haley received .34 at Haley’s Hiway Lumber and nothing in Colome. Wilma Harter said she received 2.70 in Witten. Boyt Young received just sprinkle 15 miles east, northeast of Winner. Duane Schmidt received 2.4 inches three miles west and a mile north of Winner. Jo Carlson reported .60 east of the Winner Airport. Richard Kingsbury in Wood had an inch 20. Linda Dimond had an inch 40, six miles northeast of Wood. Randy Antoine reported an inch at Golden Prairie Manor.