Scotland Invitational Results:
On the boys side Caden Tegethoff of Platte-Geddes ran a meet best at 17:24. Kade Watson of Winner finished in 3rd. Dominic Santiago and Declan Tveit of Chamberlain finished 4th and 5th. Jackson Liewer and Jackson Bauld of Burke were 6th and 7th. Luke Sinclair finished 13th for Gregorys best runner.
On the girls side, Allie Hough and Kinsey Evans of Chamberlain finished 2nd and 3rd overall. Hallie Person of Burke and Sidda Schuyler of Winner finished 5th and 6th overall. Saige Schuyler and Leila Balsiger of Winner were 8th and 9th overall. Ella Phillips of Chamberlain came in 10th. Kelly Sondgeroth was Platte-Geddes best runner finishing in 11th. Emma Thomas of Gregory was 12th overall.
The Winner Pool Leauge will hold an informational meeting tomorrow at 7 PM at the Black Lab on Main in Winner.
Gregory Lanes Bowling Leagues begin tonight with their Tuesday Mixed Doubles, tomorrow begins Wednesday Women’s and Thursday is there Men’s League.
Week four of high school football is this week. KWYR will be broadcasting two games. On AM Country 1260 Scott Schramm will have Winner at Wagner. Then on 93.7 FM Ryan Strodtbeck will have Wolsey-Wessington at Gregoy. Pre-game starts at 6:30 with kickoff at 7 PM for both games.
On today’s schedule
Chamberlain @ Madison (Golf)
Todd Co. @ Pine Ridge (CC)
Valetnine @ Chadron (G-GOLF)
Ainsowrth @ West Holt (G-Golf)
Valentine vs O’Neill (VB)
Valentine vs West Holt (VB)
Winner @ Bennett County (VB)
Colome @ Lyman (VB)
Platte- Geddes vs Wagner (VB)
Jones Co. @ Phillip (VB)
Burke @ Chamberlain (VB)