South Dakota 4-H Hosts Operation: Healthy Habits Challenge

During these unprecedented and occasionally sedentary times, South Dakota 4-H is encouraging South Dakota residents to get active, be active and stay active by participating in the Operation: Healthy Habits Challenge.
The challenge period is April 17 to May 17 and is open to all adults and youth eight years of age and older. 4-H membership or involvement is not required to participate. The challenge is free of cost and requires little to no additional supplies to take part in the many activities included in the challenge.
To participate, individuals can register at Upon registering, participants will receive a packet with further instructions and details regarding the challenge.
“We developed this challenge so that individuals experiencing a decrease in activity due to social distancing constraints could still maintain a healthy and active lifestyle during the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Amber Erickson, SDSU Extension 4-H Youth Development Field Operations Coordinator. “It’s important that youth and families stay active during these unique times.”
In addition to encouraging participants to get active, the Operation: Healthy Habits Challenge incorporates a competitive atmosphere. The challenge packet contains identified activities that can be done in order to obtain a pre-determined amount of points. Participants will compete in their respective age division, youth or adult, for the highest amount of accumulative points. The top three winners in each age division will receive a smart watch, mountain bike, and yoga starter kit, respectively.
“We wanted to be sure to incorporate friendly competition that will hopefully motivate people to participate and stay active throughout the challenge,” said Erickson.
For more information about the Operation: Healthy Habits Challenge, visit the event site listed above or email