This afternoon, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem announced her “Back to Normal” Plan for the state. The plan outlines guidance for employers, individuals, schools, health care providers and local governments. According to Noem, the plan states that individuals should continue to practice good hygiene and to stay home when you are sick. In regards to employers for the plan, it calls for them to follow good hygiene and sanitation practices in high-traffic areas. It also encourages employees to stay home when sick. For retail businesses whom promote public gatherings, this plan says to resume operations in a manner that allows for reasonable physical distancing, good hygiene and appropriate sanitation. Retail businesses should also consider restricting occupancy as well. This plan defines retail businesses as indoor restaurants, bars, cafes, casinos, coffee shops, recreation or athletic facilities and health clubs. In the plan laid out, it says for schools to continue remote learning and consider a limited return to in-person instruction to “check-in” before the school year ends. The Back to Normal Plan says local governments should consider these guidelines when making future plans for their communities.