South Dakota Elections take place tomorrow evening including state primaries, county elections, city elections and school board elections. Polls open at 7AM and close at 7PM.
Running for Tripp County Commissioner District 4 are Greg English and Joyce Kartak.
Winner City and School Board elections are currently set for June 30th.
For the city of winner running for ward 1 are Frank Finny and Justin Schuyler.
For the winner school board there are three individuals running for two positions:
- Bill mann (incumbent)
- Rusty blare (incumbent)
- Nelle schlomer.
Running for Todd County Commissioner are Howard Heinert and Viola Waln.
Running for a position on the Todd County School Board are incumbent Linda Bordeaux, Sage Fast Dog, Glen Yellow Eagle, and Jennifer Bordeaux-Black Bear.
For the City of Gregory, there are 2 city council positions up for reelection.
Running for Mayor are Justin Jelinek and Incumbent Scott Anshutz.
Running for Ward 1 are Kristi Drey and Mona Taggart.
For Charles Mix County There is a Commissioner Race for District 2 between Neil Von Eschen and Colin Soukup.
The City of Platte has an election in Ward 1 which is
between incumbent Dave Carter and Ryan Lantz and for Ward 3 there’s a race between Cole Anderson and Randal Brumbaugh, neither of which are a current incumbents. The election will be held June 2nd at the Platte Community building in conjunction with the primary election and the Platte-Geddes school board election.
For the Platte-Geddes School Board the terms of Jess Sondgeroth and Duke Starr expire as of June 30, 2020 and Two positions will be voted on, each for a 3-year term.
Those running include:
- Jess Sondgeroth (incumbent)
- Stephanie Leader
- Randal Brumbaugh
- Duke Starr (incumbent)
- Tracy Harrington
For Lyman County there is a County Commissioner at Large race between Incumbent Bill Lengkeek, Brian Kraus and Incumbent Leslie Reuer.
For Jones County School Board elections there are two available seats on the school board up for election between Cody W Mckenzie, Levi Newsam, LaTonya Erikson, Rachel Talich, and Rodney Mann with One polling location at Harold Thune Auditorium in Murdo.
For Mellette County there is a local race for county commissioner district 2 between Leon Huber and Joyce Glynn.
For the White River School Board Election, there are three Candidates up for two positions who are incumbent Brandi Schmidt-Moran, Incumbent Louann Krogman and Summer Lunderman.
Republican State Primary Races include:
A state senator race in District 21 between Erin Tobin and Lee Qualm.
A United states representative race between Liz Marty May and Dusty Johnson.
A United States Senator Race between Mike Rounds and Scyller J. Borglum.
There is also a Democrat State Race for District 26A between Shawn Bordeaux and Alexandra Frederick.
There is a States Attorney Race between Steven R. Cotton and Pamela S. Hein.
Polling Locations:
Tripp County:
Clearfield Consolidated…………………………………Community room/Courthouse in Winner
Colome Consolidated……………………………………………………..Colome Firehall in Colome
Hamill Consolidated…………………………………….Community room/Courthouse in Winner
Ideal Consolidated……………………………………… Community room/Courthouse in Winner
Lake Consolidated……………………………………………………..Colome Firehall in Colome
Lamro Consolidated …………………………………….Community room/Courthouse in Winner
Sully Consolidated ………………………………………Community room/Courthouse in Winner
Witten Consolidated …………………………………….Community room/Courthouse in Winner
Winner City-SE 1st ..…………………………………… Community room/Courthouse in Winner
Winner City-E 2nd ………………………………….… Community room/Courthouse in Winner
Winner City-W 2nd …………………………………….Community room/Courthouse in Winner
Winner City-E 3rd ………………………………………Community room/Courthouse in Winner
Winner City-W 3rd ……………………………………. Community room/Courthouse in Winner
Gregory County:
#1 Gregory area: Gregory City Auditorium
#2 Burke area: vote at the Burke Community Room
#3 Bonesteel area: vote at the Bonesteel Community Room
Charlies Mix County:
Precincts 1 & 3 – Wagner National Guard Armory – 610 E SD Hwy 46 Wagner, SD
Precinct 2 – Dante Church – 103 Church Dr. Dante, SD
Precinct 4 – Ihanktonwan Community College – 200 S. Main Marty, SD
Precinct 5 & 6 – 4H Center – 100 School St. Lake Andes, SD
Precinct 7 – Rainbow Room – 310 White Swan Dr. Pickstown, SD
Precinct 8 & 12 – Multi-Purpose Center – 409 Michigan Ave. Geddes, SD
Precinct 9 & 11 – Platte Community Building – 310 S. Main St. Platte, SD
Precinct 13 – Ravinia Fire Hall – Main St. Ravinia, SD
Lyman County:
#1 Iona – Iona Community Center, 26511 266th St, Iona, SD 57533
#4 Oacoma – Oacoma Community Center, 100 E 3rd St, Oacoma, SD 57365 NO ELECTIONS
#6 Reliance -Reliance Town Hall, 405 E Chamberlain St, Reliance, SD 57569
#7 Lower Brule – Golden Buffalo Convention Center, Lower Brule, SD 57548
#9 Kennebec – Kennebec Gym, 509 E 2nd St, Kennebec, SD 57544
#12 Presho – UM Church Social Room, 100 W Willow Ave, Presho, SD 57568
#13 Vivian – Vivian Fire Hall, 738 Main Ave, Vivian, SD 57576
Brule County:
1 . Chamberlain City: Brule County Courthouse ,Chamberlain & Brule Twps. 300 S. Courtland Ste. 103 Chamberlain SD 57325
2. Kimball City Wards 1,2 3, Kimball LegionKimball, Plainfield, Wilbur, Main Street , Richland, Highland, Waldro, Plummer, Kimball SD 57355 Lyon & Willow Lake Twps.
3. Pukwana Town Brule County Ag Bldg West Point, Union, Cleveland, Smith, Pukwana SD 57370 Red Lake & Pukwana Twps.
4. Torrey Lake, Eagle, Pleasant Grove Twps. Academy Fire Hall Platte, SD 57369
5 . America, Ola & Grandview Twps. Ola Church Meeting Room ,Ola, SD
Mellette County:
Precinct 6 West is located in Norris at the Norris Hall 2716 SD Hwy 63, Norris.
Precinct 2 Central, 5 White River, and 3 East is located at the Mellette County EMS building located at 415 N. Roosevelt, White River.
Jones County:
Harold Thune Auditorium 307 Kennedy Ave, Murdo, SD 57559
Todd County:
Lakeview Consolidated Lakeview School
Jeannette Consolidated Littleburg School
Mission-North Antelope Consolidated Father Paul Hall in Mission
Bordeaux Consolidated Spring Creek School
O’Kreek Consolidated O’Kreek School
Parmelee St. Agnes Hall in Parmelee
Rosebud Consolidated Clark Hall in Rosebud
South Antelope Father Paul Hall in Mission
St. Francis Consolidated Icimani Ya Waste’ in St. Francis