Throughout the summer of 2020, SDSU Extension staff are hosting monthly virtual coffee breaks on a variety of topics. Each month the featured speaker will share information and will be available to answer your questions. The sessions are free and will be recorded. You can participate via telephone, computer or mobile device.
The first session will take place on June 9. Leacey E. Brown, SDSU Extension Gerontology Field Specialist, will discuss the different ways that people think about getting older and how those thoughts can influence quality of life. Attendees will also explore different ways to age well.
The second session will be held on July 14. Prairey Walkling, SDSU Extension Family & Community Health Field Specialist, will discuss what vegetables can be planted during the middle of the growing season to be harvested in the fall. Attendees will have the opportunity have questions answered live.
The final session will take place on August 11. Audrey Rider, SDSU Extension Early Childhood Field Specialist, is the featured speaker. She will discuss how parents can prepare their children to return to the school and adjust to some of the new routines that will be implemented this fall. Attendees will have the opportunity to discuss strategies other parents are using to help their children adjust.
To register for one or more of the virtual coffee sessions, visit and search virtual coffee break. You will have the opportunity to submit questions ahead of time during the registration process.
For more information, contact Leacey E. Brown, SDSU Extension Gerontology Field Specialist, at or (605) 394-1722.