Orientation set for next week in Winner

Winner Schools will be having  high school orientation and computer checkout for students entering grades 9-12. It will be held at the armory at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, August 8th. Each student must have a parent/guardian accompany them to complete the required paperwork. Following this meeting students will turn in the required paperwork and be allowed to pick up their computer to take home. Each student will need to verify insurance coverage or purchase the school insurance coverage for $50 prior to taking their computer home. Students who are unable to attend the orientation may attend an alternate orientation on Wednesday, August 16th at 9:00 AM In room 100 of the HS.

The middle school orientation for students entering grades 6-8 will be held at the armory at 6:00 pm on Thursday, August 10th.

Students will receive their schedules and other information during these orientation meetings. After the orientation meeting in the armory students and parents will be able to visit their classrooms and check out their lockers.

The Winner Elementary school will host their meet the teacher night on Tuesday, August 15th from 5:30-7:00 PM at the Winner Elementary School.

Questions may be directed to the Middle/High School Office at 842-8125 or the Elementary School Office at 842-8170.