There will be several musical artists performing at the Platte Creek Store this Memorial Day weekend.
Friday, May 27th: Weston Frank
Saturday, May 27th: Cody Henson Hullinger
Sunday, May 28th: Ty Dean
There will be several musical artists performing at the Platte Creek Store this Memorial Day weekend.
Friday, May 27th: Weston Frank
Saturday, May 27th: Cody Henson Hullinger
Sunday, May 28th: Ty Dean
Heartland Waste is reminding Winner area residents it will not be picking up garbage on Memorial Day (Monday, May 30th). They will however be picking up for residential garbage the following day, Tuesday, May 31st.
The Nebraska Department of Agriculture and Legal Aid will be sponsoring free farm finance clinics for legal and financial issue for farming and ranching in Valentine, Nebraska on Thursday, May 26th. To sign up or for more information on can call the Nebraska Rural Response Hotline at 1-800-464-0258.
The Carlock Dance Hall in Carlock will host Classic Country Club this evening from 8:00 p.m. to closing. Tables are $5.00 per evening or one can reserve a table for the entire season for $50.00. Concessions and beverages will be available.
ESA BETA ALPHA will host their Memorial Day flower sale this evening from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and tomorrow from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at 325 South Monroe Street ( City Council Chambers). They will offer flora arrangements and more; with questions one can contact Sandi Hausman at 840-1447.
The Winner Area Chamber of commerce is hosting a Facebook Class for businesses. The class will be tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. at the Courthouse Community Room. They ask that one brings their own laptop. The is $25 dollars for non Chamber members and free to Chamber members.
The City of Winner will meet tonight at 6:30 p.m. in the Winner City Council Chambers at 325 South Monroe Street in Winner. Following the meeting the public is invited to attend another town hall meeting which now take place after every City Council meeting.
Springfest will take place at St. Mary’s Hall in Winner on Saturday June 4th. Doors open at 5pm and they’ll be serving up burgers, brats and hot dogs from 5-7pm. There are games for the kids and a cash bar for the adults. At 7pm the live auction will begin with many great items to bid on. With any questions or for tickets one can call the Parish office at 842-3520. One can also get tickets at Marty’s , the Hobby Shop and Grossenburg Implement.