Category Archives: Sports

Schedule for Saturday


A’s at Twins at 1:10



Sioux Falls Storm at Tulsa Oilers


Jr Teener Baseball

Winner Invite, Day 1 of 2

10am in Winner, Parkston vs Winner

10am in Colome, Gregory vs Wagner

Noon in Winner, Britton vs Chamberlain

Noon in Colome, Platte vs Emery/Ethan


Teener Baseball

Hamlin at Dell Rapids

Garretson at West Central


Legion Baseball

Winner/Colome vs LaMoure in Webster at 2:30

Winner/Colome vs Post 4690 at 7:30pm in Webster

Chamberlain at Redfield



Frontier Motors Open at the Winner Country Club

Dakota Milestone Tournament at the Chamberlain Country Club

Charity Pro-Am at Bakker Crossing in Sioux Falls

Ultimate 2 person challenge at Elmwood in Sioux Falls

Brandon Open at Brandon Golf Course

Scores from Thursday

Teener Baseball

Valentine over Tri County, 16-1

Platte/Geddes over Canistota/Freeman, 4-3


Legion Baseball

Valentine over Tri County, 8-0


Jr Teener Baseball

Canistota/Freeman over Platte/Geddes, 21-0


Amateur Baseball

Wessington Springs over Chamberlain, 8-4

Burke over Kimball/White Lake, 2-1

Plankinton over Colome, 11-1

Winner/Colome over Platte, 11-1



Twins over the A’s, 6-2


Friday’s Schedule


A’s at Twins at 7:10



Junior Achievement Tournament at the Chamberlain Country Club

Brown County Hospital 4 person scramble at Ainsworth Golf Course

Charity Pro-Am at Bakker Crossing in Sioux Falls

4 person scramble at River Ridge in Garretson


Jr Legion Baseball

Platte/Geddes at Winner/Colome


Teener Baseball

Volga at Dell Rapids

Martin at Valentine

Garretson at Canton


Little League Baseball

Winner Purple at Gregory 1

Gregory 2/Burke 2 at Valentine

Clearfield at Winner Gold

Burke at Ainsworth

Scores from Wednesday

Youth Softball

Clearfield 10U over Lyman, 6-2

Lyman 8U over Clearfield, 6-1

Clearfield 12U over Lyman, 15-4

Clearfield 14U over Lyman, 13-0

Winner Purple 8U over Chamberlain, 10-4

Gregory 8U over Burke, 12-1

Burke 10U over Gregory, 12-5

Burke 12U over Gregory, 19-14

Chamberlain 10U over Gregory White, 7-6


Jr Legion Baseball

Valentine over Winner/Colome, 7-4


Legion Baseball

Winner/Colome over Valentine, 14-4


Teener Baseball

Platte/Geddes over MVP, 11-5


Jr Teener Baseball

Platte/Geddes over MVP, 5-4



Twins over the Rockies, 17-9

Thursday’s Schedule


A’s at Twins at 6:40


Teener and Legion Baseball

Tri County at Valentine



Charity Pro-Am at Bakker Crossing in Sioux Falls, Day 1 of 4


T-Ball in Winner

Cerv Farms vs Northern Plains LLC at Daughters Field

Nielsen Farm and Cattle vs Triple C Angus at Bailey Field

Mason Funeral Home vs Schrader Electric at Jaycee Field


Amateur Baseball

Platte at Winner/Colome

Kimball/White Lake at Burke

Plankinton at Colome

Wessington Springs at Chamberlain

Four Corners at Winner Demons

Renner at SF Flying Squirrels

Canova at Dell Rapids PBR

Hartford Humboldt Wood Ducks at Colman

Salem at Hartford Humboldt Gamecocks

Tea at Akron


Jr Teener and Teener Baseball

Canistota/Freeman at Platte/Geddes

Scores from Tuesday

Little League Baseball

Lyman Rookies over Valentine, 2-1

Lyman Minors over Valentine White, 9-4

Lyman Minors over Valentine Red, 4-0

Lyman Majors over Valentine, 9-6

Gregory 1 Minors over Burke, 12-4

Gregory 1 Rookies over Burke, 5-1

Burke Majors over Gregory, 4-3

Winner Purple Minors over Winner Gold, 3-0

Winner Purple Rookies over Winner Gold, 6-1

Ainsworth Minors over Clearfield, 14-10

Clearfield Majors over Ainsworth, 19-3


Jr Teener Baseball

Winner and Valentine split their doubleheader. Valentine won game 1, 5-4. Winner won game 2, 10-0


Teener Baseball

Parkston over Chamberlain, 8-5


Legion Baseball

Alexandria over Platte/Geddes, 12-5

Wednesday’s Schedule


Rockies at Twins at 12:10


Jr Legion and Legion Baseball

Valentine at Winner/Colome


Teener Baseball

Platte/Geddes at MVP


Jr Teener Baseball

MVP at Platte/Geddes


Legion Baseball

SF Christian at Hartford/Humboldt



Clearfield at Lyman

Burke at Gregory

Chamberlain at Winner Purple and Gregory White in Winner



Men’s Member Guest Tournament at Central Valley Golf Course in Hartford, Day 1 of 2

Scores from Monday

Youth Softball

Winner Grey 14U over Gregory, 13-1

Gregory 10U over Winner Grey, 7-0

Gregory 8U over Winner Grey, 10-7

Gregory 12U over Winner Grey

Chamberlain 8U over Burke, 7-2

Burke 10U over Chamberlain, 12-6

Chamberlain 12U over Burke, 13-7

Gregory White 10U over Lyman, 5-4


Legion Baseball

Chamberlain split their doubleheader with Faulkton. Faulkton won game 1, 2-1. Chamberlain won game 2, 2-0


Jr Teener Baseball

Gregory over Chamberlain, 13-2

Schedule for Tuesday


Rockies at Twins at 6:40


Jr Teener Baseball

Winner at Valentine


Teener Baseball

Parkston at Chamberlain


Little League Baseball

Ainsworth at Clearfield

Winner Gold at Winner Purple

Gregory 1 at Burke

Valentine at Lyman


Legion Baseball

Alexandria at Platte/Geddes

Monday’s Schedule


Rockies at Twins at 6:40



Chamberlain at Burke

Gregory at Winner Grey

Lyman at Winner Purple and Gregory White in Gregory


Jr Teener and Teener Baseball

Platte/Geddes at Corsica/Stickney


Legion Baseball

Faulkton at Chamberlain


Jr Teener Baseball

Chamberlain at Gregory


Teener Baseball

Dell Rapids at Flandreau

Brandon Valley at Tea

Garretson at Tri Valley Maroon