Category Archives: Story
Summer Sewer Averaging Applications Now Available from The City of Winner
Summer sewer averaging applications are now available at the Winner city office. This program gives eligible residential customers a discounted rate on their sewer usage during the summer months. Eligible customers include those that irrigate their lawn and/or gardens. Each customer must sign up annually. The deadline to sign up is June 1st, 2022.
Colome Summer Nights Takes Place July 15th
The Winner Area Chamber of Commerce will be bringing back Summer Nights to Colome on Friday, July 15th from 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. on Main Street. There will be various food items available around town and also human foosball and a bouncy house.
Dayspring Farmers Market in Gregory May 27th.
Dayspring Coffee Shop in Gregory, S.D. will be hosting the Dayspring Farmers Market on Friday, May 27th from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Coffee Shop at 524 Main Street. To get involved or with any questions one can call the coffee shop at 835-9278.
Burke Community Memorial Hospital to Hold Informational Presentation
The Community Memorial Hospital in Burke will hold an informational presentation on “Durable Power of Attorney” and Living Will Declaration on Tuesday, May 10th at 5:30 p.m. at the Civic Center on Main St. in Burke.
Volunteers Needed at the Lyric Theater in Platte
Gregory City Meeting Tonight
The City of Gregory will hold their city council meeting tonight at 5:00 p.m. at Gregory City Hall located at 120 West 6th Street. Please note during this meeting new Mayor Al Cerny will be sworn in. The City of Gregory meets on the first and third Monday of each month unless otherwise noted.
Sunday morning rain reports
We send out a big thank you to everyone who called in rain reports this weekend. Here are the weekend rainfall totals that the following people called in with Sunday morning :
Pete Haukaas, southeast of Okreek, reported 2.20 inches. Stan Bicek, 10 miles south of Colome, reported a total of 4.20 inches of rain. Judd Houston, 10 miles northwest of Kennebec, reported 3.55 inches this weekend. Fred Weidner at Dog Ear Lake said he received a total of 3 inches of rain over the weekend. Delbert Klein, 4 miles east of Burke, said he received 4.3 inches. Greg Haukaas, 7 miles southeast of Winner, received 5.3 inches. Darnell Swanson, a mile east of Clearfield, reported 4.4 inches. David Robbins, 4 miles south of Hamill, reported 3.25 inches. John Halverson at the Winner Country Club said the golf course received 4.5 inches of rain total over the weekend. Elaine Larson reported 3.10 inches up on the hill by the Dairy Queen in Chamberlain, and she reported nine miles northeast of Reliance a total of 7 inches of rain.
Winner City Meeting and Town Hall Meeting Tomorrow Night
The City of Winner will hold their City Council meeting tomorrow night (Monday, May 2nd) at the Winner City Council Chambers at 6:30 p.m. Following the meeting there will be a town hall meeting open to the public at approximately 8:00 p.m.
Rain reports called in Saturday morning
Some badly needed rain arrived this weekend in Central South Dakota and North Central Nebraska. The Swedlund’s reported 3.80 inches of rain, 5 miles north of Witten. 2.5 inches of rain was reported south of Dallas. 3.5 inches of rain was called in by Vivian Sweeney, 16 miles northwest of Bassett. John Driscoll reported 3 inches over by the Winner City Park. Pete Haukaas , who lives southeast of Okreek, reported 1.64 inches. We had a report of just under four inches just north of Mills. Short Haley reported 3.35 inches just outside of Colome. Dennis Hanson at Carlock said he received 2.3 inches Saturday morning. Delbert Klein, 4 miles east of Burke, said he received 3.5 inches. Fred Weidner at Dog Ear Lake said he received 2.5 inches. Laura Reuer in Herrick received 3 inches. Judd Houston received 2.55 inches 10 miles northwest of Kennebec. John Vosika, southeast of Gregory, received 4 inches. The Watzel’s on Beaulieu Road reported 3.85 inches. Darnell Swanson, a mile east of Clearfield, reported 4.40 inches. The Don Bachmann residence, 3 miles north of Winner, received 4 inches of rain. Brian Hofeldt reported 3.5 inches of rain in Milboro. Elaine Larson reported 2.5 inches up on the hill by the Dairy Queen in Chamberlain Saturday morning.