Category Archives: Story

Comedy Night at Smokin Barrels

Bar and restaurant Smokin Barrels in Winner, SD is holding a comedy night this Friday, February 14th at 8:00 p.m. They are hosting the Brewery Comedy Tour and the evening will consist of food, beverage and adult themed comedy.   Presale tickets cost $15 or $20 at the door that evening.

Gregory Kegs and Corks Event

The Kegs and Corks event  is coming to Gregory, South Dakota  on Saturday, February 22nd which will be an evening of food, beer and wine sampling. It will also have a live and silent auction. Sip, Sample and Social will take place from from 6-7 p.m. followed by auction at 7 p.m. One can contact Suzanne Braun at 831-9773 to donate auction items. Ticket cost is $10 for advance tickets and $15 at the door.

Valentine School Board Meeting

The Valentine School Board will meet on Wednesday, February 12th at 5:00 p.m. at the Valentine High School.

Valentine Community Schools is served by a 6 member board of education. These members must reside in the school district and are elected and serve a 4 year term.

The Valentine Community School Board meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at  Valentine High School.  Board agendas are available in the office of the superintendent or on the VCS webpage.