Category Archives: Story

Medicine Creek Golf Course looking to hire

The Medicine Creek Golf Course in Presho is seeking the following positions:

Head Grounds/Supt:  Daily grounds maintenance, equipment maintenance, etc.  Seasonal Full-Time position starting approximately March 1st.

Clubhouse Manager:  Seasonal Full or Part-time position.  Customer service, inventory ordering, scheduling of other staff, etc.

If you are interested or have questions? Call Nicole at 605-280-5836

Carter Coyote Classic set for this weekend

The annual Carter Coyote Classic will take place on Saturday, December 21st. A rules meeting and calcutta will take place tonight at 7pm at Red Hills Last Chance. It’s $40 per two person team. There will be food, door prizes and a ton of fun both nights. If you have questions, call Jason at 842-5498, or Jeremy at 842-6939.

Carter Coyote Classic coming up this weekend

The annual Carter Coyote Classic will take place on Saturday, December 21st. A rules meeting and calcutta will take place on Friday night, December 20th at 7pm at Red Hills Last Chance. It’s $40 per two person team. There will be food, door prizes and a ton of fun both nights. If you have questions, call Jason at 842-5498, or Jeremy at 842-6939.