The Eastern South Dakota Grazing School scheduled for Aug. 11- 13 at the Abbey of the Hills near Marvin, South Dakota has been postponed until 2022. According to Pete Bauman, South Dakota State University (SDSU) Extension Natural Resources Field Specialist, this decision was based on several factors.
“If you were planning to attend the school, please consider attending the Chamberlain school coming up in September,” Bauman says. “There will also likely be options for schools in Wall, Chamberlain and eastern South Dakota in 2022.”
Each year the South Dakota Grassland Coalition coordinates the South Dakota Grazing Schools with several partner organizations, including SDSU Extension. According to Bauman, the South Dakota Grazing School offers quality classroom instruction from livestock producers who’ve been practicing holistic management methods along with agency professionals, academics and scientists who also study and manage grazing systems. In addition to the classroom, the school is unique in that it includes extensive field-based education.
This year’s South Dakota Grazing School will be held in Chamberlain, South Dakota from Sept. 14–16. Classroom activities will take place at the Chamberlain Community Center and field activities at the Charlie Totten Ranch. Participants are responsible for lodging, and several options are available in Chamberlain. For more information, contact Judge Jessop at or 605-280-0127.
For more information about the 2022 Eastern South Dakota Grazing School, please contact Bauman at or 605-882-5140.