Nominate A Volunteer in Your Community for the South Dakota Farmers Union Rural Dakota Pride Award

Nominations are now open for the 2021 Rural Dakota Pride awards sponsored by South Dakota Farmers Union to celebrate rural volunteers.

“Volunteers are how things get done in rural communities,” said Karla Hofhenke, S.D. Farmers Union Executive Director. “This award is one way our organization celebrates citizens who give of their time and talent to support their communities.”

Nominate a volunteer today

As the state’s largest agriculture organization, S.D. Farmers Union understands the integral role healthy communities play in supporting our state’s family farmers and ranchers.

“South Dakota’s agriculture producers and their communities are closely connected. In good economic times they both prosper. When times are tough due to low commodity prices or extreme weather conditions, they both feel the pain,” said Doug Sombke, SD Farmers Union President. “The Rural Dakota Pride honor is one of many ways SDFU works to show our support for both.”

Do you know someone who gives of their time or talent to make your community a better place? Nominate them today by visiting and filling out the online nomination form. Nomination forms can also be requested by contacting Hofhenke at or calling the South Dakota Farmers Union state office: 605-352-6761.

Nomination deadline is July 10, 2021. Learn more and meet the 2020 Rural Dakota Pride Honorees by visiting