Rain reports 8/15/2022

We’ve had some much needed rain!  Thank you to all who called in rain reports, we appreciate it!

Melvin Smith, Dallas 1.50

Delbert Klein, East of Burke .65

Pete Haukass, Okreek .82

Cheryl Schroeder, Winner .46

Monte Mayes, Ideal .30

Fred Weidner, Dog Ear Lake 1.02

Bill Schroeder, Witten .32

Stan Bicek, 10 miles South of Colome .85

Vivian Sweeney, Bassett .80

Brian Hofeldt, Millboro .75

Steve Meyer, East of Winner .70

Winner Country Club .60

John Vosika, South east of Gregory 1.30

Laura Reuer, Herrick .50

Dennis Hansen, Carlock .78