Several warnings were issued Friday afternoon and evening in central South Dakota and Nebraska. Heavy rain fell, and some parts of the area saw hail as well. The Valentine Fire Department and mutual aid agencies were on the scene at a structure fire at the Bull Market. Gregory had straight line winds and turbulent weather causing some damage to the Gregory auditorium, buckled grain bins at the elevator and downed trees and uprooted trees. We’ve received several rain reports: At the Joe Bolton Ranch, south of Dallas, they received an inch and a half. Jared Leber reported an inch at the Leber Ranch. William Soles said he got an inch,one five miles east of Gregory. Rhonda Waterbury received an inch,36 in Gregory with wind damage reported and trees down in the area. The Winner Country Club had an inch and a half of rain fall. Liz Farley had an inch 85 southwest of Winner. Cheryl Schroeder received .88 in Winner. Dennis Hansen at Carlock received .87. Fred Weidner had an inch fall at Dog Ear Lake. Pete Haukaas received just .10 southeast of Okreek. Short Haley had an inch 25 at his residence in Colome and .97 at Haley’s Hiway Lumber. Donna Howland received an inch of rain in Winner. Darnell Swanson received an inch 20 near Clearfield. Laura Reuer in Herrick received .60. Lori DeMers received an inch at the DeMers Ranch, South of Colome. Jerome Ollerich received two inchesn west of Clearfield with some hail but no damage was done.