SD Farmers Union 2020 Rural Dakota Pride Nominations Open

South Dakota Farmers Union is asking South Dakotans to nominate a volunteer who makes a difference in their community for the Rural Dakota Pride Award. Each year, the state’s largest family farmer and rancher organization, recognizes citizens who make a positive impact in rural communities across the state.
Citizens like Jeannie Hofer of Huron. When Hofer explains her work as a volunteer with Manolis Family Safe Center she says, “It’s about accepting and helping and extending a hand and a heart.”
Extending a hand and opening her heart to those in need is second nature for Hofer, who is grateful an aunt and uncle were there for her, taking her in and raising her when she and her siblings were left without a home due to domestic violence.
The Manolis Family Safe Center is a volunteer organization for victims of domestic abuse and their children. Along with providing victims with a safe place to live, Hofer and other volunteers take turns buying groceries, cleaning and doing home maintenance, driving family members to counseling and doctor appointments and anything else necessary to “help them feel empowered and in control of their own life.”
SD Farmers Union recognizes volunteers like Hofer because supporting rural communities is part of their mission, explains Karla Hofhenke, SDFU Executive Director.
“We enjoy honoring every-day heroes, who make the communities where our family farmers and ranchers send their children to school, grocery shop or attend church better,” Hofhenke explains. “Each year we are amazed by the work individuals do in their communities. We know 2020 will be no different.”
Nominate a Volunteer Who Makes Your Community A Better Place to Live
2020 nominations are due July 10. To nominate a volunteer in your community, simply contact Hofhenke at 605-350-5976 or