South Dakota Agricultural Extension Professionals Present 2021 Awards

The South Dakota Association of Agricultural Extension Professionals (SDAAEP) announced the 2021 state and regional award winners at their annual meeting on Oct. 26. The association also presented its Friend of SDAAEP award to Dakota Farm Talk’s Pam Geppert.

The SDAAEP is the state chapter of the National Association of County Agricultural Agents (NACAA). South Dakota State University (SDSU) Extension staff and faculty are eligible to become members. To be recognized for annual state, regional or national awards, an application must be submitted each spring including materials or programs that were developed or delivered within the previous year. State winners advance to regional review committees for consideration, and then regional winners advance to national review committees. SDAAEP had no national winners this year.

State Results

Audio Recordings

  • 1st place: Sara Bauder, SDSU Extension Agronomy Field Specialist, and Tracey Erickson, former SDSU Extension Dairy Field Specialist, for their podcast on I-29 Moo University and hay storage

Published Photo

  • 1st place: Patrick Wagner, SDSU Extension Entomology Field Specialist, for his photo “Honey Bee Visits a Sunflower”

Computer Generated Presentation With Script

  • 1st place: Adele Harty, SDSU Extension Cow/Calf Field Specialist, for her entry “Beef Up: Calving to Breeding Nutrition” (*Also a Regional Finalist)

Personal Column

  • 1st place: Sara Bauder (*Also a Regional Finalist)
  • 2nd place: Adele Harty

Featured Story

  • 1st place: Gared Shaffer, SDSU Extension Weeds Field Specialist; David Karki, SDSU Extension Agronomy Field Specialist; and Sara Bauder, for “Perennial Solutions for Alkali Areas”
  • 2nd place: Adele Harty for “Raising Freezer Beef: How to Feed Grain-Finished Beef”
  • 3rd place: Adam Varenhorst, Assistant Professor and SDSU Extension Field Crop Entomologist; Amanda Bachmann, SDSU Extension Pesticide Education and Urban Entomology; Philip Rozeboom, SDSU Extension IPM Coordinator; and Patrick Wagner, for their story “Winter Tick Population”

Team Newsletter

  • 1st place: Anthony Bly, SDSU Extension Soils Field Specialist; Jack Davis, SDSU Extension Crops Business Management Field Specialist; Laura Edwards, SDSU Extension State Climatologist; Connie Strunk, SDSU Extension Plant Pathology Field Specialist; Ruth Beck, former SDSU Extension Agronomy Field Specialist; Emmanuel Byamukama, Associate Professor and SDSU Extension Plant Pathologist; Jason Clark, Assistant Professor and SDSU Extension Soil Fertility Specialist; Paul O. Johnson, SDSU Extension Weed Science Coordinator; Adam Varenhorst; Patrick Wagner; Philip Rozeboom; Amanda Bachmann; Sara Bauder; David Karki; and Gared Shaffer, for the SDSU Extension Pest and Crop Newsletter

Educational Video Recordings

  • 1st place: Adele Harty for her “Nitrate Quick Test for Standing Forages” video

Fact Sheet

  • 1st place: Sara Bauder and Tracey Erickson for their “Round Bale Storage Conservation” fact sheet (*Also a Regional Finalist)
  • 2nd place: Adele Harty for her “Managing Body Condition Score Throughout the Year” fact sheet


  • 1st place: Philip Rozeboom, Connie Strunk, Adam Varenhorst, Patrick Wagner, Emmanuel Byamukama, Paul Johnson; David Vos, SDSU Ag Research Manager; Leon Wrage, SDSU Distinguished Professor Emeritus; and Dalitso Yabwalo, Postdoctoral Research Association, for their “SD 2021 Pest Management Guide – Corn”
  • 2nd place: Adam Varenhorst, Philip Rozeboom and Patrick Wagner for their “Identification Guide for Alfalfa Pests in SD”
  • 3rd place: Patrick Wagner, Adam Varenhorst and Philip Rozeboom for their “Identification Guide for Sorghum Pests in SD”
  • 4th place: Peter Sexton, Associate Professor and SDSU Extension Sustainable Cropping Systems Specialist; Anthony Bly; Sara Bauder and David Karki, for their “Transitioning to Soil Health Systems in Eastern SD”

Website and Content

  • 1st place: Sara Bauder, Ruth Beck and Jason Clark for the SDSU Agronomy Extension Facebook Page
  • 2nd place: Jonathan Kleinjan, SDSU Extension Agronomist; Phil Rozeboom; Amanda Bachmann; Sara Bauder; Ruth Beck; Anthony Bly; Emmanuel Byamukama; Jason Clark; Jack Davis; Laura Edwards; Paul O. Johnson; David Karki; Gared Shaffer; Connie Strunk; Adam Varenhorst; and Patrick Wagner, for the 2020 SDSU Extension Pest and Crop Q&A/Webinar
  • 3rd place: Adam Varenhorst, Patrick Wagner, Phil Rozeboom and Ruth Beck, for “Watch Sunflowers for Grasshopper Defoliation and Flower Feeding”

The NACAA Achievement Award was given to Dr. Adam Varenhorst. One person per year in South Dakota’s membership can be awarded this early career (less than 10 years in the profession) recognition by the national association.

In addition to the awards presented by NACAA, the SDAAEP recognizes an in-state Extension partner each year with the Friend of SDAAEP award. In 2021, this award was presented to Pam Geppert of Dakota Farm Talk. Geppert has been a collaborator with SDSU Extension for over 10 years, producing radio segments to share science-based knowledge and recommendations in response to current issues and concerns in agriculture, in addition to publicizing Extension-led events across the state. Her segments are broadcast weekdays during agriculture radio shows on 10 radio stations in South Dakota. With Geppert’s partnership, SDSU Extension has been able to reach producers and multiple agricultural sectors from every corner of the state.

NACAA has been the professional association for Extension staff and faculty since 1916.