South Dakota State and Local Election Results From Last Night

South Dakota Elections took place yesterday including state primaries, county elections, city elections and school board elections.

For Republican State Primary Results:

In the state senator race in District 21 between Erin Tobin and Lee Qualm, Erin Tobin defeated Lee Qualm.

In the United States Representative race between Liz Marty May and Dusty Johnson, Dusty Johnson defeated Liz Marty May.

In United States Senator Race between Mike Rounds and Scyller J. Borglum, Mike Rounds defeated Scyller J Borglum.

In the Democrat State Race for District 26A between Shawn Bordeaux and Alexandra Frederick, Shawn Bordeaux defeated Alexandra Frederick 570 to 403 votes.

For the South Dakota Presidential Primary, Joe Biden defeated Bernie Sanders.

Running for Tripp County Commissioner District 4 were Greg English and Joyce Kartak. Joyce Kartak (127 votes)  defeated Greg English (94 votes) for the Tripp County Commissioner District 4 position in the primary.

Running for Todd county democrat commissioner primary were Howard Heinert and Viola Waln. Viola Waln defeated Howard Heinert for the Todd county commissioner position 83 to 49 votes.

Running for a position on the Todd County School Board were incumbent Linda Bordeaux, Sage D. Fast Dog, Glen Yellow Eagle, and Jennifer Bordeaux-Black Bear.  Sage D. Fast Dog was the winner for the Todd County School Board position.

For the City of Gregory, there were 2 city council positions up for reelection.

Running for Mayor were Justin Jelinek and Incumbent Scott Anshutz. Scott Anshutz defeated Justin Jelenik for the Gregory City Mayor position on a vote of 308 to 132.

Running for Ward 1 in Grengory were Kristi Drey and Mona Taggart.  Kristi Drey defeated Mona Taggart for the Gregory City Council Ward 1 position on a vote of 124 to 33.

For Charles Mix County there was Commissioner Race for District 2 between Neil Von Eschen and Colin Soukup.  Colin Soukup ( 139 votes) defeated Neil Von Eschen (94 votes) to win the Primary.

In the States Attorney Race for Charles Mix County between Steven R. Cotton and Pamela S. Hein, Steven R. Cotton (682 votes) defeated Pamela S. Hein (361 votes).

The City of Platte had an election in Ward 1 which was
between incumbent Dave Carter and Ryan Lantz.  Dave Carter defeated Ryan Lance on a vote of 89-77.

For Ward 3 in Platte there was a race between Cole Anderson and Randal Brumbaugh, neither of which were current incumbents.  Cole Anderson defeated Randal Brumbaugh for the Ward 3 City Council position on a vote of 98-17.

For the Platte-Geddes School Board there was an election between Jess Sondgeroth (incumbent), Stephanie Leader, Randal Brumbaugh, Duke Starr (incumbent) sand Tracy Harrington

Jess Sondgeroth (500 votes) and Duke Starr (486 votes) will stay in the two positions for the Platte-Geddess School Board. Stephanie Leader had 313 votes, Tracy Harrington 140, Randal Brumbaugh 68.

For Lyman County there was a County Commissioner at Large race between Incumbent Bill Lengkeek, Brian Kraus and Incumbent Leslie Reuer.  Brian Kraus (322 votes) and Leslie Reuer (376 votes) came out victorious with Bill Lengkeek having 253 votes in this race for Lyman County Commissioner primary race.

For Jones County School Board elections there were two available seats on the school board up for election between Cody W Mckenzie, Levi Newsam, LaTonya Erikson, Rachel Talich, and Rodney Mann.. Levi Newsam (246 votes)  and Rachel Talich (222 votes) came out victorious in this race for the Jones County School board positions.  Cody W. Mckenzie had 97 votes, Latonya Erikson, 71 votes and Rodney Mann 59 votes.

For Mellette County there was a local race for county commissioner district 2 between Leon Huber and Joyce Glynn.  Joyce Glenn (48 votes)  defeated Leon Huber (41 votes) for Mellette County District 2 Commissioner primary race.

For the White River School Board Election, there were three Candidates up for two positions who are incumbent Brandi Schmidt-Moran, Incumbent Louann Krogman and Summer Lunderman.  Louann Krogman and Brandi Schmidt-Moran came out victorious for positions on the White River School Board.