South Dakota State University Announces Reschedule of 2021 Eminent Leaders in Agriculture, Family and Community, Nominations Extended

The South Dakota State University College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences and the College of Education and Human Sciences announce that the 2021 Eminent Leaders in Agriculture, Family and Community award celebration is rescheduled for January 28, 2022 at McCrory Gardens in Brookings.

“We are very excited about this opportunity to recognize leaders across our state,” said John Killefer, South Dakota Corn Endowed Dean of the College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences. “We encourage people to nominate deserving individuals. We look forward to seeing you in the spring.”

In light of the decision to reschedule, the nomination deadline for this year is extended through November 1, 2021

“There were a number of factors that contributed to the decision to postpone festivities,” said Angela Loftesness, Assistant to the Dean of the College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Science, who coordinates the program on behalf of the university. “We want all of our honorees and guests to have the best experience possible.”

How to nominate

Official Eminent Leaders in Agriculture, Family and Community nomination forms with instructions are available online at Paper copies are available by request. All nominations must be received by November 1, 2021 to be considered for this year. The regular annual deadline is May 1. Completed nominations are accepted year round, and should be emailed to or mailed to ELAFC Nominations; ATTN: Angela Loftesness, SDSU CAFES, Box 2207, Brookings, SD 57007.

In 2022, the event will return to the traditional date in September.