This year’s SDSU Swine Day will be held at Wilbert Square Event Center (931 25th Ave.) in Brookings, on Nov. 3, beginning at 9 a.m. CST. Topics that will be covered include current and completed swine research in production, nutrition and reproduction.
Angie Krieger, Vice President of Domestic Marketing for the National Pork Board, will serve as the keynote speaker. She is responsible for building relationships with all segments of the pork packing and processing community in order to ensure National Pork Board’s product marketing, issues management, education and research initiatives are aligned with packer and processor priorities.
Lunch will be served after listening to an update on the SDSU Meat Lab from Dr. Keith Underwood, Associate Professor of Animal Science. In the afternoon, SDSU swine faculty and graduate students will share highlights from their research programs. Graduate students presenting include Yesid (Ricardo) Garavito Duarte, Christian Ramirez-Camba, Talia Everding, Analicia Swanson, David Clizer and Hannah Miller. Some updates and information on the South Dakota Animal Disease Research and Diagnostic Laboratory (ADRDL) will be provided by Dr. Jane Christopher-Hennings, Director of the SD ADRDL. Dr. Ben Hause, SDSU Assistant Professor of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences, will speak about “Swine Diagnostics and Research”.
Due to the COVID-19, attendance is limited to 100 participants. SDSU asks that attendants please adhere to any notifications throughout the building, maintain appropriate social distancing and respect the additional precautions to allow collaborations and connections, such as these events, to continue to take place safely and responsibly. Face coverings will be worn when in public spaces with the exception of during meals.
Registration is open at: and due before October 30, 2020.