South Dakota State University’s Dakota Lakes Research Farm will host its annual field day on June 24, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. The field day will feature plot tours, highlight research happening on the farm, as well as presentation and demonstrations by SDSU faculty and SDSU Extension specialists.
Topics that will be discussed include:
- Oats and Forage – Melanie Caffee, Assistant Professor in the Department of Agronomy, Horticulture and Plant Science and SDSU Oat Breeder
- Winter Wheat and Crop Variety Testing – Sunish Sehgal, SDSU Assistant Professor and Winter Wheat Breeder; Jon Kleinjan, SDSU Extension Crop Production Associate
- Field Pea Variety Testing – Chris Graham, SDSU Extension Agronomist
- Long-term Impacts of Crop Rotations on Soil Under Both Irrigated and Dryland Conditions – Natalie Strum, SDSU Graduate Research Assistant
- Soil Phosphorus Testing – Brennan Lewis, SDSU Graduate Research Assistant
- Livestock Integration and Long-Term Soil Health Retesting – Cody Zilverberg, SDSU Adjunct Professor; Sutie Xu, Assistant Professor in the Department of Agronomy, Horticulture and Plant Science
A meal will be provided for attendees. There is no cost or required registration. Everyone interested is encouraged to attend.
The field day is sponsored by the Dakota Lakes Research Farm Corporation.
The farm is located approximately 17 miles east of Pierre on Hwy 34. For more information on the SDSU Dakota Lakes Research Farm Field Day contact Miranda Trautman at 605-224-6357 or at