Thursday’s Schedule

Girls Basketball-Regions

Region 1A

Milbank at Aberdeen Roncalli at 7

Sisseton at Groton


Region 2A

Clark/Willow Lake at Hamlin at 7

Great Plains Lutheran at Sioux Valley at 7


Region 3A

Dell Rapids at Flandreau at 7

West Central at Tri Valley at 7


Region 4A

Lennox at SF Christian at 7

Vermillion at Dakota Valley at 7


Region 5A

McCook Central/Montrose at Wagner at 7

Scotland/Menno at MVP


Region 6A

Crow Creek at Mobridge Pollock at 7

Chamberlain at Miller at 7


Region 7A

Pine Ridge at Red Cloud at 7

Winner at Lakota Tech at 7


Region 8A

Hill City at St. Thomas More at 7

Belle Fourche at Rapid City Christian at 7


Region 1B

Wilmot at Northwestern at 7

Waubay/Summit at Warner at 7


Region 2B in Huron

Wessington Springs vs Deubook at 6

De Smet vs Arlington at 7:30


Region 3B in Madison

Dell Rapids St. Mary’s vs Ethan at 6

Sanborn Central/Woonsocket vs Colman-Egan at 7:30


Region 4B

Gayville/Volin at Centerville at 7

Avon at Parkston at 7


Region 5B at the Corn Palace

Burke vs Lyman at 6

Corsica/Stickney vs AC/DC at 7:30


Region 6B

Herreid/Selby vs Highmore Harrold

Faulkton at Tiospaye Topa


Region 7B

White River at Bennett County at 7

Wall at Kadoka at 8


Region 8B

Faith at Harding County

Lemmon at McLaughlin


Wrestling- Day 1 of State in Rapid City


Girls Basketball

Harrisburg at Watertown


Boys Basketball

Watertown at Harrisburg


Women’s College Basketball

Adams State at Black Hills State at 5

Denver at SDSU at 7pm


Men’s College Basketball

Adams State at Black Hills State at 7

SDSU at Oral Roberts at 7pm