Valentine Construction Update

Paulsen Construction has placed the last highway section for the northbound lane. In place is a 9″ by 21′ wide doweled concrete roadway from the intersection of HWY 20 & Main to 4th & Main.

 Grading has been completed for the southbound lane from the Cowboy Trail to HWY 20 along Main Street. Next week the 4″ foundation course will be placed and trimmed to grade. Placement of the southbound lane for this section will begin as placed concrete reaches strength and maturity. Expect the placement of the southbound highway section to begin Mid-week.

 Next week Paulsen will begin work to build back the B Street intersection and driveways. Also expect some of the Paulsen crew to be off the IN VALENTINE project to continue placing concrete for the B STREET project (City of Valentine).

 IES is scheduled to continue placing conduit, wiring, and street lighting. Street lighting is to be energized for the 200 & 300 blocks.

 Barnes Construction will continue with removals and the construction of various project items.