Winner City Council Meeting Tonight at 6:30 p.m.

The winner city council meeting takes place tonight at 6:30pm in the council chambers.

The consent agenda will consist of the previous meeting minutes on April 6th, the March financial statement, an arbor day proclamation and setting a public hearing for May 4th for a temporary sale of malt beverage application from the Winner chamber of commerce.

The agenda will consist of bid openings for the ground water storage tank project and public hearings for special on-sale liquor event application for the elks at St. Mary’s hall.

Recognition of visitors at the meeting will include:

  1. Buck Jedlicki regarding the 946 COVID-19 temporary emergency ordinance.
  2. Mike Brown – code enforcement officer/planning and zoning director
  3. Justin Day – public safety commissioner
  4. Troy Kruger – public works director
  5. Chandra Weidner – finance officer

Several of the key new business items that will be discussed will include:

  1. A resolution to extend ordinance 946 which is the COVID-19 temporary emergency ordinance currently in place.
  2. Amended administrative emergency policy and procedures for declared pandemic as well as administrative emergency policy. requiring the use of certain personal protective equipment.
  3. A first reading of ordinance 947 to repeal certain sections and allow dogs to be transferred to shelters after seven days.

You can join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

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You can also dial in using your phone.

(786) 535-3211

Access code: 610-182-901