Category Archives: Story

Donations being taken for Kelly Duffy benefit

There will be a benefit meal and auction for Kelly Duffy at the Tripp County 4-H Building at the Fairgrounds in Winner on February 7th beginning at 6pm. Money donations can be left at Sentinel Federal Credit Union in Winner, or by calling 842-3581. The account is set up under ‘Kelly Duffy Benefit’. Donations for the event can be dropped off at the Winner City Office.

Donations being taken for Kelly Duffy benefit

There will be a benefit meal and auction for Kelly Duffy at the Tripp County 4-H Building at the Fairgrounds in Winner on February 7th beginning at 6pm. Money donations can be left at Sentinel Federal Credit Union in Winner, or by calling 842-3581. The account is set up under ‘Kelly Duffy Benefit’. Donations for the event can be dropped off at the Winner City Office.