The 2023 Winter Wonderland Display is coming to Brule County starting December 1st! The Sparkle Committee is putting on the display. You can drive through the light display at the American Creek Park all throughout the holiday season the river city! If your group is interested in having a display, contact Donna Buche at 680-1202.
Category Archives: Story
Mid Winter Fair happening today in Gregory
The 2023 Mid Winter Fair is taking place today at the Gregory Auditorium. The event will run from 9am to 4pm. There will be numerous vendors to explore! Santa will be there from noon to 2pm. Breakfast and lunch will be served by the after prom committee.
Big Day in Downtown Winner Saturday
Make plans to be in Downtown Winner this Saturday, November 25th! The Winner Area Chamber of Commerce will hold a kids Christmas Celebration. Moon Lake Ranch Reindeer will be in town, along with Santa too! They will have a s’mores pit setup along with wagon rides happening. There will be a free show at the Pix Theatre, before the Parade of Lights starts at 7pm on Magic 93!
Thanksgiving Pow Wow to happen Saturday
A traditional Thanksgiving Pow Wow will happen this weekend! It will happen on Saturday, November 25th at the Winner Community Center. If you have any questions, contact Alma at 605-842-3191.
Winter Wonderland Display coming to Brule County
The 2023 Winter Wonderland Display is coming to Brule County starting December 1st! The Sparkle Committee is putting on the display. You can drive through the light display at the American Creek Park all throughout the holiday season the river city! If your group is interested in having a display, contact Donna Buche at 680-1202.
Monday morning rain reports
Thanks to those below who called in rain reports this morning:
Vivian Sweeney, 16 miles northwest of Bassett, received an inch 10
Laura Reuer in Herrick reported an inch of rain
Cheryl Schroeder in Winner received .18
Brian Hofeldt, South of Millboro, received .40
Mid Winter Fair set for Saturday in Gregory
The 2023 Mid Winter Fair is coming up on Saturday, November 25th at the Gregory Auditorium. The event will run from 9am to 4pm. There will be numerous vendors to explore! Santa will be there from noon to 2pm. Breakfast and lunch will be served by the after prom committee.
Holiday Preview happening in Valentine
The annual Valentine Chamber’s Holiday Preview is happening today! Valentine merchants will be open from 1-5pm with big discounts. Santa will be at Viaero Wireless from 1 to 4pm.
Cub Scouts fundraiser going on today in Tripp County
Local Cub Scouts will be going door to door today in Tripp County, as they will be picking up non-perishable food items for their annual scouting food drive. They will start pickup items at 9:30am. All donations will stay local.
Brule County gearing up for Winter Wonderland Display
The 2023 Winter Wonderland Display is coming to Brule County starting December 1st! The Sparkle Committee is putting on the display. You can drive through the light display at the American Creek Park all throughout the holiday season the river city! If your group is interested in having a display, contact Donna Buche at 680-1202.