Category Archives: Story

Winner City Council Meeting June 20th

The next Winner City Council meeting will take place Monday, June 20th at 6:30 p.m. in the Winner City Council chambers at 325 South Monroe St.  Please note that after the meeting there will be an open town hall for the public to attend approximately around 8:30 p.m.  that evening.

Rib Fest in Gregory this Saturday

Rib Fest is coming to Gregory on Saturday.  There are 3 different category meat types: Ribs, Brisket & Pork Shoulder.

It’s $75 coverage fee for each category and there will be money prizes for the winners.

With any questions or for registration one can e-mail the chamber at

Winner Summer Nights Tonight

The first Winner Summer Nights of the summer season takes place tonight in Main Street in Winner from 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.  There will be  food vendors, and plenty of activities for kids including a bouncy house, obstacle course, shooting gallery and games for adults as well.  Tonight’s band will be the Neo Johnsons.

South Dakota Primary Election Results

The South Dakota primary election was held yesterday. The results are as follows:

For United States Senator, John R. Thune defeated Bruce Whalen and Mark Mowry.

For United States Representative, Dusty Johnson defeated Taffy Howard.

For the Governor primary race, Governor Kristi Noem defeated Steve Haugaard.

For Tripp County Commissioner District 1, Larry Wilcox defeated Mark Winter 168 to 100 votes.

For Tripp County Commissioner District 5, Cody L. Jorgensen defeated Clifford “Chip” Schroeder 128 to 68 votes.

For Precinct Committeeman Colome Consolidated, Brian K. Beck defeated Dan Forgey 91 to 57 votes.

For Gregory County Commissioner, Byrain L. Boes defeated Myron Johnson 92 to 70 votes.

For the City of Chamberlain, there were two three-year commissioner positions open.

Tim Thomas and Clint Soulek won the two commissioner positions with 314 and 301 votes respectively.

For the Chamberlain School Board, District 3-Seat A, Nikki Ashley defeated Aaron Wisenbaugh 305 to 132 votes.

For Mayor of the City of Kimball, Donnie Hamiel defeated Janene Wingert 133 to 63 votes.

For Kimball Ward 2, Brady Goodall defeated Jesslon Walsh 44 to 28 votes.

For the Todd County School Board, there were two three-year term positions open.  Deb Boyd and Melissa Whipple won the two positions with 288 and 220 votes respectively.

For District 26A Republican Representative, Joyce Glynn defeated Ron Frederick 277 to 223 votes.

For District 26A Democratic Representative, Eric Emery defeated Alexandra Frederick 343 to 271 votes.

For the Lyman School Board, there were three seats available with five candidates: Veronica Gerard, Cody A. Volmer,  and Nathan Millard won the three seats with 375, 368, and 354 votes respectively.

For Mellette County Precinct Committee Woman for the Central Precinct Maura Valburg defeated Vanessa Hight 50 to 15 votes.

Constitutional Amendment C was defeated which if passed would have required three-fifths vote for approval of future ballot measures imposing taxes or fees obligating over 10 million dollars.

Primary Election in South Dakota Today

The South Dakota primary election will be held today with polls open from 7:00 a.m.  to 7:00 p.m. with several local and state elections taking place.

For United States Senator, John R. Thune, Bruce Whalen, and Mark Mowry are running.

For United States Representative, Dusty Johnson and Taffy Howard are running.

For the Governor primary race, Steve Haugaard is running against current South Dakota Governor, Kristi Noem.

For Tripp County Commissioner District 1, Mark Winter is running against Larry Wilcox.

For Tripp County Commissioner District 5, Clifford “Chip” Schroeder is running against Cody L. Jorgensen.

For Precinct Committeeman Colome Consolidated, Dan Forgey is running against Brian K. Beck.

Tripp County polling locations are as follows.

Clearfield Consolidated: Clearfield Hall

Colome Consolidated: Colome Firehall in Colome

Hamill Consolidated: Hamill Hall

Ideal Consolidated: First Presbyterian Church in Ideal

Lake Consolidated: Colome Firehall in Colome

Lamro Consolidated: 4-H Community Center in Winner

Sully Consolidated: 4-H Community Center in Winner

Witten Consolidated: Witten Community Hall

Winner City: 4-H Community Center in Winner

For Gregory County Commissioner, Byrain L.  Boes is running against Myron Johnson.

Polling locations for Gregory County are:

Precinct 1 – Gregory City Auditorium

Precinct 2 – Burke Civic Center

Precinct 3 – Bonesteel Community Room

For the City of Chamberlain, there are two three-year commissioner positions open and four people running for those two positions:

Clint Soulek, Tucker Petrak, Tim Thomas and Miles Bradley Jr.

For the Chamberlain School Board, District 3-Seat A, Nikki Ashley is running against Aaron Wisenbaugh.

For Mayor of the City of Kimball, Janene Wingert is running against Donnie Hamiel.

For Kimball Ward 2, Brady Goodall is running against Jesslon Walsh.

Polling locations in Brule County are the Ag Building in Pukwana; Kimball Legion in Kimball, Ola Church in Ola and the Brule County Courthouse.

For the Todd County School Board, there are two three-year term positions open and those running include: Deb Boyd, Josh Wilson, Missy Bartling, Shelley Means, Heather Frederick, Timothy Cournoyer Sr, Amanda “Mindy” Antoine, Allen Wilson, Sandra “Sandy” Wright, and Melissa Whipple.

For District 26A Republican Representative, Ron Frederick is running against Joyce Glynn.

For District 26A Democratic Representative, Alexandra Frederick is running against Eric Emery.

Polling locations for Todd County are:

Bordeaux Spring Creek School

Jeanette Littleburg School

Lakeview Lakeview School

Mission-N. Antelope : Father Paul Hall

OKreek :O’Kreek School

Parmelee: St. Agnes Hall

Rosebud: Clark Hall

Antelope: Father Paul Hall

Saint Francis:  Icimani Ya Waste’

For the Lyman School Board, there are three seats available with five candidates: Veronica Gerard, Michael Ryan, Cody A. Volmer, Nathan Millard, and Deb Halverson.

Polling locations for Lyman County are the Iona Community Center, Oacoma Community Center, Reliance Town Hall, Golden Buffalo Convention Center, the Kennebec Courthouse, the UM Church Social Room in Presho, and the Vivian Fire Hall.

For Mellette County, running for Precinct Committee Woman for the Central Precinct are Maura Valburg and Vanessa Hight.

Polling locations are the Wood Community Building in Wood, EMS Building in White River, and Norris Township Hall in Norris.

Finally, voters will be voting on Constitutional Amendment C , which if passed would require three-fifths vote for approval of future ballot measures imposing taxes or fees obligating over 10 million dollars.