Rain reports

We had a good amount of rain fall in certain parts of the area last night. Gene Engel, south of Winner, received 6.3 inches. Jim and Victoria Bowling, 11 miles south of Winner received five inches. Judy Bartels in Witten received just .05 as did Wilma Harter. Vivian Sweeney received 70/100’s. Fred Weidner reported an inch 76 at Dog Ear Lake along with fires and lightning. Monty Hopkins recieved an inch 40, 15 miles southwest of Winner with a good amount of wind. Dennis at Carlock called in 15/100’s. Short Haley had .14 at Haley’s Hiway Lumber and .70 at his home near Colome. 2 miles southeast of Winner, Donna Howland called in .20. Pete Haukaas in Okreek had .45 fall. Stan Bicek, 10 miles south of Colome, called in 90/100s. Liz Farley said she received .85, 12 miles southwest of Winner.