Category Archives: Story

Saturday Morning rain reports

Thanks to everyone below who called in rain reports this morning:

Brian Hofeldt, South of Millboro, received an inch

Larry Bertram, 10 miles south of Colome, received .70

Short Haley in Colome received .30

Monte Mayes in Ideal received .30

Pete Haukaas, Southeast of Okreek, received .65

Cheryl Schroeder in Winner reported .27

Cleo Watzel on Beaulieu Road received .45

Lynne Simkins, 12 miles west of Winner, received .68

Cook-Off set for Saturday in Valentine

The Chaduza Cook Off is this weekend in Valentine! The event will happen on Saturday, September 9th. The Chamber is taking entries for the event and have $500 in added money. They are also taking entries for the cornhole tournament that will be happening the same day, and has $850 in added money! Born and Bred will provide the music starting at 7pm, followed by the Will Carter Band!