Category Archives: Story

Big event in Platte tomorrow

The Platte Area Chamber of Commerce is putting on the Hometown Craft and Vendor Market on Saturday, July 29th.   It will take place at the Platte Community Building from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  The cost is $40 for a booth and $5 for a table.  If you have any questions, you can contact the Platte Area Chamber at 605-337-2275.

Winner Elk’s Rodeo to get underway tomorrow night

The 54th annual Winner Elk’s Benefit Rodeo will take place this Friday through Sunday, July 21st through the 23rd, under the covered grandstands at the Tripp County Fairgrounds in Winner! Performances will start at 7:30pm nightly. Come watch the top cowboys and cowgirls from 14 different states who will be in action. There will also be the $1,000 bounty bull nightly that is sponsored by Frontier Motors in Winner. Bert Davis the Coppertown Clown will perform too!

Wednesday morning rain reports

Thanks to everyone below who called in rain reports this morning:

Dennis Hanson at Carlock received an inch

Pete Haukaas in Okreek reported .10

Delbert Klein, 4 miles east of Burke, received .50

Stan Bicek, 10 miles south of Colome, reported .20

There was a report of .65 in Banner Township

Elaine Larson in Chamberlain reported an Inch 90

Short Haley in Colome reported .10

Greg Assman, 5 miles west of Winner, received .27

Joel Foxley, north of Winner, received .62

Laura Reuer in Herrick reported .50

.40 was reported at the Winner Country Club

Monte Mayes in Ideal received .08