The Black Lab in Winner, S.D. will host Tom Buckmiller on their patio stage for two nights on Friday July 21st and Saturday July 22nd. Performances will be from 8:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. both nights. Happy hour specials will be available starting at 4:00 p.m. each day.
Category Archives: Story
Gregory Board of Education Meeting Monday, July 17th
The Gregory School Board will hold their Board of Education meeting Monday, July 17th at 5:30 p.m. at Gregory High School. Please note the Gregory School Board typically meets on the second Monday of each month.
Chamberlain School Board Meeting Tomorrow Night
Chamberlain School District 7-1 will hold their school board meeting Monday night at 7:00 p.m. the Chamberlain High School Library. The Chamberlain School Board typically meets on the second and fourth Monday of every month.
Winner School Board Meeting Monday Night
Winner School District 59-2 will hold their regular monthly school board meeting Monday, July 10th at 7:00 p.m. at Winner High School Room 205. Please note the Winner School Board meets on the second Monday of each month.
Friday morning rain reports
Thanks to everyone below who called in rain reports this morning:
Laura Reuer in Herrick received .70
Brian Hofeldt in Millboro received .85
Delbert Klein, four miles east of Burke, received .80
Short Haley in Colome received .77
Cheryl Schroeder in Winner received 1.16 inches
Pete Haukaas in Okreek received .71
Donna Howland on 10th street in Winner received 1.5 inches
Fred Weidner at Dog Ear Lake received .76
Jeff Farner in Winner received 1.64 inches
Bill Schroeder in Witten received .74
Jim Legge, 3 miles north of Winner, received 1.40 inches
Larry Bertram, 9 miles south of Colome, received .70
Greg Assman, five miles west of Winner, received .87
Chuck Keiser at Jordan Hill received .90
Vivian Sweeney, 16 miles northwest of Bassett, received 2.5 inches
The Winner Country Club received 1.6 inches. No carts today
Elaine Larson in Chamberlain received .90
Winner’s Emry Kaiser to Perform at Presho City Park July 13th
Winner’s Emry Kaiser will perform at the Presho City Park on Thursday, July 13th. The concert will start at 7:00 p.m. Root beer floats will be served by the Presho Thrift Store. The event is being sponsored by the Presho Area Chamber.
Winner True Value Celebrating their 72nd Birthday Through Saturday
Winner True Value is celebrating their 72nd birthday this week. Through this Saturday, they are offering 15% off anything one can fit into a bag. On Saturday, they will host a free breakfast at their store from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Crazy Days in Winner July 14th
Crazy Days in Winner, S.D. will take place on Friday, July 14th. There will be several participating chamber member businesses with in-store specials throughout the day. There will also be a side walk art contest from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Customers can also register at each participating business for a chance to win door prizes.
Winner Summer Nights this Friday
The second Winner Summer Nights of the season will take place this Friday, July 7th from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Main St. in Winner, S.D. This event will feature Karaoke Night with V.T. Rockin Country. Those that participate in Karaoke will be entered in to win a prize.
Witten Volunteer Fire Department Fireworks Show Tonight
The Witten Volunteer Fire Department will hold their annual fireworks show on this evening. There will be hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, and baked beans served at the Witten Community Hall starting at 6:30 with donations at the door.