Rain reports called in Friday morning

Central South Dakota and North Central Nebraska saw a good amount of rain and lightning Thursday night. Stan Bicek, ten miles south of Colome, received an inch and a half. Pete Haukaas, southeast of Okreek, said an inch, 15 fell at his place. Cheryl Schroeder in Winner received .81. Donna Howland called in an inch of rain. Wilma Harter in Witten reported .73. Wayne Meyer in Winner told Scott he had an inch of rain. Greg Assman, five miles west of Winner, had an inch, ten. Alex Heim, northeast of Wood, had just over an inch. Short Haley called in an inch 35 in Colome and an inch of rain at Haley’s Hiway Lumber. Vivian Sweeney, had an inch and a half. Margie Kingsbury, forty miles northwest of Winner, had an inch 40. Roger Evans in Hamill had 81/100’s. At Dog Ear Lake, an inch 15 was reported. Delbert Klein, four miles east of Burke, had three quarters of an inch. Justin Vanneman had three quarters northwest of Winner. Chris Novotny received an inch 60. Betsy Watzel in Winner reported an inch 40. Kelly Pravecek said he got 2 inches and 25/100’s. Megan Cahoy, north of Colome, reported an inch and a half. Tresh Swedlund, north of Witten said he got an inch of rain. Charlotte Piper, nine miles south of Wood, said she got an inch 10.