The Winner Area Chamber of Commerce will host Ranch Bronc and Bull Riding on Saturday, September 3rd. They will also have mutton bustin’ and a calf scramble for kids ages 8 to 15. One can stop into the chamber office for advance tickets.
Category Archives: Story
Big Weekend at the Black Lab in Winner
The Black Lab will host several fun events this weekend in Winner. On Friday and Saturday night they will host Uncle Roy and the Boys playing at 8:00 p.m. both nights. Then on Sunday they will host The Outlaw DJ at 8:00 p.m. Finally, on Monday night they will have VT Rocking Country at 7:00 p.m.
Zucchini Boat Races in Chamberlain Saturday, September 4th
Zucchini boat races will take place in Chamberlain, South Dakota on Saturday, September 4th at the Harvest Festival. Zucchini Boat pit time will take place from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. and the race will start at 3:30 p.m.
Special Chamberlain City Meeting Tonight
The Chamberlain City Commissioners will hold a special meeting this evening at 5:30 p.m. to further discuss the 2023 budget prior to the first reading in September . The special meeting will be held at the Chamberlain City Offices located at 715 N. Main Street.
Cole’s Computers in Platte Selling E-Bikes
Cole’s Computers in Platte recently announced they are now selling Mokwheel Electronic Bikes with large range of models. For more information they can be reached at 605-337-3154 or visit
Valentine Main Street Project Update
Plan on the removal of some traffic control at the intersection of HWY 20 & Main. The closed westbound lane will be opened to allow (2) lane westbound traffic.
Paulsen Construction will continue sidewalk placement and the placement of concrete in the areas between the sidewalks and curb sections. Next week grading will begin for roadway placement starting at the cowboy trail working toward HWY 20. During the week expect some of the Paulsen crew to be off the IN VALENTINE project and to continue placing concrete for the B STREET project (City of Valentine). Barnes Construction will continue with sidewalk removals and the construction of various project items.
Midlands Contracting will wrap up their scheduled utility work for the Main Street portion next week. Expect the contractor to mobilize off the project at the end of the week. Wow, next year’s utility work is complete, in August! Job well done by professionals.
Chamberlain Art in the Park Contest Next Month
During the Harvest Festival Next month in Chamberlain there will be an art contest taking place with art displayed from all participants. Winners will be announced September 24th. To participate on can pick up a wooden square from the chamber office at 118 South Main Street.
Bowling League Organizational Meeting tonight at Gregory Lanes
Gregory Lanes in Gregory, S.D. will hold an organizational meeting tonight at 7:00 p.m. Anyone who is interested in participating in bowling leagues this season is encouraged to attend. For more information one can call Bryan at 605-830-2673
Chamberlain School Board Meeting Tonight
The Chamberlain School Board will hold their regular meeting tonight at 7:00 p.m. at the Chamberlain High School Library at 1000 Sorenson Drive. Please note that the Chamberlain School Board meets on the second and fourth Monday of each month unless otherwise specified.
Valentine Main Street Project Update
Sanitary Sewer and Water Services are in place for the Main Street portion of the IN VALENTIN projects. Midlands Contracting continues placement of Storm Sewer for the section of roadway of A Street to HWY 20.
Paulsen Construction will begin placement of concrete at the area’s between the curb and the placed ADA sidewalks today. Work will start on the 300 block and continue thru the 200 block next week. Sidewalk work will begin for the 100 block next week. Expect grading to begin soon for the placement of 9″ concrete for roadway at A Street to B Street.
IES Commercial, INC continues to place footings and conduit for Street lighting and Traffic Signals.